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Notice 2017-020 – Amendments to Trading System Functionality & Features – New Order Types

December 8, 2017


In accordance with the Process for the Review and Approval of Rules and the Information Contained in Form 21-101F1 (the "Protocol"), CNSX Markets Inc. (“CSE”) has adopted, and the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has approved, significant changes to the Trading System.

On September 22nd, 2017, CNSX Markets Inc. (“CSE”) published Notice 2017-016 – Amendments to Trading System Functionality & Features - Request for Comment, describing several new order types proposed by the CSE.  The period for public comment expired on October 16, 2017.   No comment letters were received.


The changes included new order types and enhancements to existing order types.

The full text of the amendments is available in Notice 2017-016:


The proposed Minimum Quantity Order type will be simplified, such that it will be cancelled rather than placed in the terms book, if the minimum quantity specified is not filled upon entry.  It will be renamed “Minimum Volume Order” for clarity.  Changes to the published proposal are indicated below.

Minimum Quantity Volume Order

Minimum Quantity Volume order is a visible order that will trade only against contra orders with a combined volume equal to or greater than the specified minimum.

  • The Minimum Quantity Volume order will trade actively against lit orders in the book and dark orders, but only if there is a sufficient combined volume to completely fill the Minimum Quantity Volume specified on the order.
  • If the Minimum Quantity Volume order does not fill, it will be posted in the terms book cancelled.
  • An active contra order with remaining volume equal to or greater than the specified minimum volume will trade with Minimum Quantity orders after any similarly priced orders in the lit book have traded.



To be included in the planned Q1 and Q3 2018 system releases.

Questions about this notice may be directed to:

Mark Faulkner, Vice President Listings & Regulation,, or 416-367-7341